Do Acai Berry Diet Pills Lead to Weight Loss? Nurse's Guide

One of the newest diet fads in the marketplace today is the acai berry diet. Acai is pronounced ah-sigh-ee. Proponents for the acai berry diet claim among other things that it increases the metabolism in the body to help get rid of excess fat in the body. Of course they are referring to the acai berry not the acai berry diet pills or supplements they are actually selling but making the same claim for the supplement. In some cases these claims may be out and out scams.

The acai berry and all its effects and benefits have been mentioned on Oprah when Dr Nicholas Perricone was listing his own superfoods. But this did NOT include acai berry diet PILLS.

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The acai berry is one of the most nutrient dense foods and grows in the rainforests of Brazil. It is loaded with antioxidants, amino acids, and essential fatty acids and is available in some health food stores as acai juice or unsweetened pulp. These also would have some nutrient loss but they are not as highly refined and processed as supplements and diet pills are. No doubt the juice and pulp has been pasteurized which would entail some loss, so to buy the actual acai berry would be best.

From time to time you see in the marketplace various supplements making claims as to fast weight loss. They make it sound easy. But supplements are not natural foods. They are refined, processed and are not in their original state. In processing they have lost a lot of their original nutrient benefit.

You will see many dietary claims for the acai berry but these claims can not be made for the highly processed supplement. These claims are to the content of the berry itself and not the end content of the acai berry diet pills or supplement. So keep that in mind if you're considering taking an acai berry supplement or any other supplement.

Losing weight does not require buying expensive diet pills or supplements. You can easily lose weight naturally by eating less calories and concentrating on eating lots of high anti-oxidant fruits and vegetables.

Eating a natural raw food diet is cheap and will provide sufficient nutrients and help you lose weight fast, feel good, give you energy and help you get rid of aches, pains and ailments fast. And there is plenty of protein in fruits and vegetable. All living things contain protein. You don't have to spend a lot of money on diet pills that don't work to lose weight or weight loss supplement makers that try to sell you on a magic pill.

There is no magic weight loss pill. Many have claimed this over the years but the best way to lose weight is to lose it naturally. Yes that will take a little work, but even with acai berry diet pills or any other diet pills you will find that you have to cut calories to lose weight.

Many people have lost weight before you without the acai berry diet pill. You can do it too! Living foods (live foods- fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds,) also called raw foods can help you lose weight fast. Start adding as many as you can to your current diet and gradually stop eating junk foods, high sugar and high fat foods, soda pop and all foods that don't provide you with good nutrition.

Eat the actual acai berry itself if you have access to it. But the acai berry diet pill may not be your answer. There are many other secrets to losing weight naturally that won't cost you an arm and leg.

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