3 Reasons to Avoid Rapid Weight Loss

The Dangers Of Rapid Weight Loss

It seems like every day there is a new diet that promises to show you how to lose a lot of weight quickly. Some even proclaim that they have developed safe methods for quick weight loss. The fact is that any rapid weight loss is unhealthy and there 3 reasons to avoid rapid weight loss.

The first of the 3 reasons to avoid rapid weight loss is that in order to achieve rapid weight loss a diet will alter the way you take in nutrients. A rapid shift in the kinds of foods you eat can cause a shock to your system that could result in permanent physical damage. For example, the diets that cut out significant amounts of carbohydrates can be extremely dangerous if done for long periods of time. Denying your body simple and complex carbohydrates causes your body to look elsewhere for those nutrients and that is when physical damage can start. Your body is unable to adapt to sudden changes in diet and if you alter something that your body depends on to function properly then physical damage could be the result.

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Many fad diets that promise quick results will usually use starvation to some extent and suddenly denying your body critical nutrients is as damaging as changing the nutrients that you take into your body. Starvation diets are potentially the most damaging kind of weight loss method out there.

Quick weight loss programs are not the long term adjustments needed to your lifestyle that would make a diet successful. More often than not any results you see from rapid weight loss will be reversed as quickly as the weight was lost. Constant fluctuation of your body weight, combined with the rapid change in diet, is a recipe for physical damage that could be permanent.

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