Maintain Your Weight Loss Goals During the Holidays - Learn How to Keep Dropping Pounds!

Mention to anyone the idea of maintaining weight loss goals during the holidays, and you will probably get a gale of laughter. Maintain your weight loss in the face of all that good holiday cooking? Are you insane?

Contrary to what you might think, effective weight loss can be accomplished during the food-infused holiday season, and it might be easier than you think. Though the holidays often tempt people to over-eat, cheat on their diets or forget about their weight loss goals, with a little planning and forethought, you can avoid that nasty pitfall of regaining all the weight you have tried so hard to lose.

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The key to maintaining weight loss goals during the holidays is preparation. You know delicious food is going to be there at every party, get-together and event, and you know it' going to be tempting, so prepare for it! Before you go out to that holiday party, make a point of eating a little something beforehand that is not only good for you, but that gives you increased energy and makes you feel full. A handful of nuts, a few pieces of fruit, and a big glass of water or two will help sate your hunger. This will allow you to eat smaller portions at the party without feeling deprived.

If you have to have something from the food table, go ahead - but make sure to make the portions very small. Use a tiny plate and fill it up only once. Eat slowly and make those tasty finger foods go a long way. Don't linger near the serving table - you will be tempted to eat more than you should! Take a plate of food and then move away from the scene of temptation.

Do you absolutely have to have a piece of that pecan pie? How about that pumpkin cake? If you really want it, have it! One of the keys to successful weight loss is avoiding the sense that you are being deprived of food. One of the most important secrets to indulging in foods that you like while losing weight is in controlling portion size. Get a very small piece of cake or pie, not a huge chunk. Take a tiny sliver, enough for three or four bites, and savor each one of them. In this way, you don't have to feel guilty about indulging, as long as you haven't eaten a dozen of those little slivers!

Another good point to maintaining weight loss goals during the holidays is to avoid the bar and liquor cabinet. Dieters often don't realize how many calories alcoholic drinks can contain, and during holiday parties, alcohol is often served in excess. Alcohol can easily undermine your weight loss goals because as you drink and become more relaxed, you may imbibe more than you realize. As you do, the idea of having one more doesn't seem too overboard. The problem occurs when you consider the sheer amount of calories you are consuming from the alcohol, which can easily counteract all of your consciencious dietary eating. In the end, you might have a whole lot of guilt to accompany that hangover in the morning!

To sum it all up, when you are out at a gathering during the holiday season, the simplest thing to do is to remember to eat small portions. As much as possible, focus on eating foods that are good for you. Avoid temptations and "falling off the wagon" by preparing ahead of time. Eat a bit before you go to a party or event so that you won't be hungry. Don't deny yourself the pleasure of a taste of that luscious pie, just make sure it's a very small taste. And last, don't drink alcohol under the incorrect assumption that it will help you to avoid the calories at the dessert table!

By following these simple tips, you can be happy and successful in maintaining your weight loss goals during the holiday season.

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